Declan McGauran



Declan McGauran


Poetry Corner

Poetry Corner

2 mins

I joined a group full 

Of poetry lovers,

At a corner stood all 

The sisters and brothers,

One spoke up,

I thought it quite neat,

Another did then and,

I thought quite a feat!

As I worked to form,

thoughts in phrase in my mind,

One derided another’s poesy,

As a silly fools grind!

With this interjection

Were opened the gates,

And many plowed through

Their misgivings to state! 

I held my tongue and 

attended the babble, 

Til I thought oh shut up

You bunch of crab apples!

I must say I found 

Much rhyme weak and tired,

Though it did not drive me, 

to a voice of ire.

I did not enjoy,

All the love lorn 

Depressed matter,

But rather than quibble,

I'd enough on my platter,

To formulate my phrases,

Here wriggling on my pin,

to affix the crazes,

of words spinning within!

Well now hear it is,

I’m taken up with the squabble,

But to those wrecked and havocked 

By life’s dreadful hubbuble,

I wish you return to 

Placidity beyond trouble!

For it’s all a lark,

It’s only a ride,

Even the troubles,

Have beauty inside!

Though we seek mirth and music

And tunes light and gay,

Hard times are coming

For that is life’s fray!

And when In the midst of 

Long struggles despair,

We needs must lift our heads,

To gaze without care,

On the branch in the wind,

The leaf fall it blew,

The bird on the wing

As through cold air it flew,

Sunsets light ‘cross the water,

A child’s cry by a lake,

It’s a handful of peas

A falling snowflake.

I commiserate your sadness,

And in your depths of despair,

Hold out a lone candle 

To brighten the air.

Though times now are tough,

And you think you are through,

Life’s great mystery is,

She cannot break you.

So raise up that head,

And smile through the tear,

'pon this mysterious beauty,

Of all that is here!

It’s a terrible beauty,

Savage reborn,

But you know what they say,

Every rose has its thorn!

Now I have tinkled 

My mind's keyboard enough

I wish you all good day

And, down with the rough stuff!

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