
Now that you have
Opened the cages after ages
Realising thy mistakes
and regretting on deeds
Which you had done before
You are asking for forgiveness?
Not because hatred has build home
inside me
But behaving in the way
As nothing happened
Gonna pricks me inside.
Stroking my head on your hand
With all care and trust
You dragged me and caged me
For your own selfish being
You never asked how was I feeling?
Suffocating and begging
Yelling and pleading
I was throwing my hands and legs
In air just li
ke a small baby
You ignored my cries
My existence
Giving me all the reasons
To burn down all the beliefs
You once built inside me.
You cut down my wings
Not in just a single stroke
With a jab of knife to end
all the stories in fraction of second
But by placing it gradually
Rubbing the sharp edge of knife
against my wings.
You loved all the tears in my eyes
You loved all the wounds caused by you
You loved all the pain I was suffering
You loved yourself and your needs
more and more than anything.