Pandemic And Our Lives
Pandemic And Our Lives
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up".
Life is a journey of ups and downs. Every deed we do in our lives defines our existence. Adjusting to every odds makes a person champion of the circumstances in which they are put in. A deadly virus topsy survived our lives since March .. Man is a social animal and the very thought of remaining aloof from people confined within the boundaries of home for 24 hours made us panic.. but this crisis this pandemic has taught us to look at life from different perspectives. In the busy chores of the day, I could hardly spend time with my family.. this pandemic gave me the opportunity to make good memories with my family .. spend quality time with them. The busy life has been our cup of tea always but in the rat race of the day we really forgot who we actually are .bounded by fixed routine I could hardly pursue my hobbies.. this sudden unexpected break gav
e me the opportunity to nurture my lost passions.. besides I also learned many new skills. But we are social beings and this sudden nds routine staying always indoors not getting the opportunity affected the balance of life. Emotional turmoils started coming up on the surface .. the urge to go out live life almost became impossible for me to turn down... but with the alarming rise of cases each day its the battle between the mind and the heart to go out or not. severe mood swings affected me badly... I felt it impossible to concentrate on any activity the more I tried to pacify myself the more it became difficult .. I started maintaining a diary and wrote down all my emotions feelings.. and I prayed that this situation gets better soon and we get our normal lives back .. the people who lost their dear ones in this pandemic I pray that their family gets the strength to bear the loss and I wish from heart everyone stays healthy...