Our Green Glory
Our Green Glory

It's just the caring attitude and the ability to nurture
The growth of the delicate sapling, that matters.
The daily persistent efforts of tender grooming and nourishment,
Results in the sturdy development of the infant sapling.
The potion of magical sunlight with the life saving water and nutrients,
Help in attaining proper growth and maturity.
The rearing of a tender sapling, requires an exact regime
Similar to upbringing of a child
Who later matures into a capable individual.
The gardener exhibits the role of parenting in the same line.
The growth of plants are beneficial to maintain
The ecological balance for our survival and sustenance.
Let's do our bit as sensible beings by saving plants
To maintain the sanctity of the green foliage all around.
Let's save our precious resource,
And keep the green glory alive in the truest sense.