Dr. C.K Krishnaswamy

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Dr. C.K Krishnaswamy

Abstract Classics Inspirational



2 mins

A new-born baby responds to a lady's voice and smile!

You all know, she is baby's lovely mother and the saviour.      

When the child responds to the man's voice and giggle

You all know that he is child's father, the lonely warrior!

Mum knows the baby's needs through simple gestures!

When mother speaks baby is sure to hear the 'gospels',

She holds the tiny one in her arms and give many hugs     

Baby feels very safe and shows many signs of comforts!

When babies are growing up, they want to be active and play

Your dad will be more helpful and guide you then and there?

Learning many more lessons while they play with the family.

Good lessons might help them mould, learn, think and grow?

When they play with other kids, they learn a lot from pals!

They ask them question after question while in the school,

Gain many more inputs from the people around you all!

They update their knowledge except the basic Nature's will? 


Different people; many colours, religions, saints and prophets.

You have faith in religion; the

creator of this great Universe?

There are so many ways and means to reach the right port?

Finally, the goal is dawned, it takes long time to find 'Truth'!

They say 'all roads lead to Rome', 'all rivers go to oceans'

Life is short, time is running out; have you found a reason?

But your search is on long, you find no Heaven anywhere!

Your mind is eager to find the purpose of Life somewhere?

Heaven and Hell, both are here in your wonderful world!

Make it Heaven or make it Hell; it is your own choice?               

That's Nature's will and you must choose the perfect one,

You should meet the right people in your walks of life!


When you see people wasting time and loitering in the streets

Your eyes are shut, mind brings a 'cloud of gloom' straight!

When you meet great people, you know the meaning of our life,

You will see many pleasant things in front of your own eyes!!

                                "LET THEM BLESS YOU''

Dr C K Krishnaswamy(UK)

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