Vaishnavi Pogakula



Vaishnavi Pogakula


My Lovely Class

My Lovely Class

1 min

Hello friends meet my class,

We are here from different parts.

You will be happy to meet us here,

We will all make you cheer.

Some are naughty, some are cute,

Some are sweet but always mute,

Some are kind, some are right,

Few are always ready to fight.

Some can eat and hear the backstage play,

But can never listen to what teachers say.

All are here neatly dressed, shirts and socks and pants pressed.

Few are always busy in maths and history

Many find it difficult to solve this mystery.

Few are always in a hurry,

Some never take the pain to worry.

All are here happy and cool,

Yes, our class is the best in the school.

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