The Science of Religion
The Science of Religion
Oh Religion! Thou perplex'd fool,
Over Thee doth divinity drool.
But divided infinitely thou are,
And the thread of unity could stitch that scar.
What but Science could be that thread,
To raise thy immortal soul from the dead.
Science is but the finding of unity,
Multiplying evermore to manifest divinity,
And when The Science of Religion reaches the end,
Time finds thou difficult to bend.
The end also brings us to His incarnation,
The soul of whom our souls are but a delusive manifestation
Thus the ultimate unity is reached,
Stronger Than any religion ever preached.
Thou are universal,
Thou are infinite,
Let thy light shine upon saints and sinners alike.
Thou can evolve an agnostic disposition,
And lead the skeptical mind towards redemption.
Thou are not a Brahmin, Buddhist, Christian or Mohammedan,
But a sum of these, still with space for boundless progression.
Science and He exists within the countless brothers,
As the thread through a string of pearls.
Let Science be that thread through the union,
And then we shall call thou, Religion!