Vaidehee Donga



Vaidehee Donga


My Hero

My Hero

1 min

My dear hero,

here's something about you that you should know,

you save me every time with the way you smile,

though that dimples take my breath away, your laugh feels like a fresh breath.

That feel of safety every time when you're by my side, leaves me free to be alive

cause I know that you will be there to hide me from the evil eyes.

Oh, my hero, never leave me alone

cause I know that I won't be myself again

also, because you are that part of me that makes me see the light

you make

my world shine so bright and want to keep it that way.

always my blinding star, making me want to live forever

cause that what you are to me, my forever

and I never want to let you go.

So let this be our journey together,

you being my knight in the shining armor, while I rely on your help

never to be judged, because you always understand and always will

that what makes you me hero my espoir, because I know I can live freely by your side.

yours one and only love, yeobo, and your biggest fan.

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