
From my closed eyes I can recognise monsoon afar bringing along gaiety,
The parched, thirsty land blanketed with a lush foliage of greenery;
The people near and afar forget their quarrels and peace once again returns,
Everywhere is spread carpets of green where prevail flora, fauna and ferns.
'Splitter Splatter' comes down the rain heavily on the moor,
It is life's greatest joy to see it pour standing by my door;
Beginning in mid-June and carrying on till the month on July,
My favorite season as in the rain I like to get wet and on the open field lie.
But the greatest ecstacy is to see a wing-spread peacock dance upon a green field,
The old and young trees alike bear a cover of new leaves like a shield;
So you must have agreed by now that monsoon is very delightful,
Because there is greenery everywhere which is extremely beautiful.