The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party

This real happening took place in America in the year 1773,
When Great Britain and America had a quarrel over tea!
The Americans not seeing any reason to pay tax on it,
Thought the British were fooling them and making a big profit.
The states of America being colonies of British had no power,
But they wanted to prove that they were no coward;
Quarrels on mouths led to many dangerous and deadly fights,
All sacrificed for a purpose: to get back their rights.
The levy of tax on tea just added fuel to the fire,
And with this rose the protest even higher and higher;
Some revolted against the English while others rose in rebels,
But all these things only seemed to double their troubles.
Then one day some Ame
ricans met together in a secret council,
The pros and cons were discussed, some debated while others gave counsel;
A crucial decision was needed in this desperate time of need,
At last one elderly man conjured up a plan to which all paid heed.
Next, a group disguised as Indians reached the Boston harbour,
They dumped huge quantities of tea into the dark waters;
Some Americans nearby clapped and waved their hats in unison,
They thought it was a good way of teaching the British a lesson.
Since that day to the present, this deed is called 'The Boston Tea Party',
Teaching English a good lesson by sinking their booty;
So popular it became, it is now on everyone's tongue,
And also this brave act is today in many a song sung.