Lessons Of Life
Lessons Of Life

Don't think that nature is to
Use the free things God's given to you.
Nature is a teacher for all of us;
It makes us know the lessons we must.
See the fathomless blue ocean
It teaches us always to be in motion.
Take a look at the spots on the moon,
Being flawsome is also a boon.
Oh! Just see the rising sun--
The darkest time is just before dawn.
On succeeding using your brains,
Be down to earth--teaches so a mountain.
If you are only one, you may be cowed,
But when many drops unite, they form a cloud.
Like summe
r, winter, autumn, and spring-
Good and bad is just what times bring.
Pay some attention to the banks of a river:
If you won't follow discipline, you won't prosper.
Wind teaches us--do the things that are sane
So you might move others to do the same.
Like these things, besides being pleasing,
Everything in nature has got a true meaning.
Nature provides us with all we need
So why destroy it out of greed?
Sometimes I wonder what funny creatures we are :
Cutting trees, destroying nature,
And then writing ''save nature'' on papers ??