Journey As A Student
Journey As A Student

The journey starts when you were a child.
Golden were those days.....
Treading on the floor with a consolidating smile.
Each step.....A lesson!
There were no grievances of the past and no worries for the future.
Then as if in a Dream,you moved on,started growing up.
You started realising what life is and that each step you left behind teaches you a lesson,
And it shares with you a new and mesmerising experience !
You learned that the world around is so unjust and so unfair.
And then you entered the pha
se when you considered yourself to be grown up,
To take the right decisions, To be brave!
Then your parents and your teachers steer you away to the path,
To be patient,to have faith in yoursef,to be gentle,to be a fine fellow and utmost to be a truthful being.
And when you ponder upon their preaching,
You understand the eternal mystery,you love and learn the wonder of books.
You try to set a goal, put your heart and soul for the same.
And as a consequence of it, you achieve success and get identified of your identity.