Louis DAlto

Drama Others


Louis DAlto

Drama Others

In the days I was young

In the days I was young

1 min

Sang many songs in the days I was young

Still just a few that have yet to be sung

As I went through my life and moved on in my years the songs were replaced by the salt of my tears 

I think what it is that I'm trying to say is time rushes in, takes so much away

Family and loved ones, some buried and gone

Melodies linger, I keep holding on

Life is gift but it goes by so fast

Something we borrow, not meant to last

It all goes in cycles from birth until death

We breathe in the air till our very last breath 


sh the good and the fact you're alive

A new song is pending not yet to arrive 

The music keeps changing, please let me explain 

There's joy and there's sorrow

There's loss and there's gain

Living and dying we must understand,

The hourglass empties, it runs out of sand

Numerous things left to see and to do

The songs keep on playing until they're all through

Remember this always don't ever forget, live like you haven't a single regret

Still just a few that have yet to be sung

Sang many songs in the days I was young

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