I Know
I Know
I know that.
I know that the sun rises from the east and sets from the west,
but I still told myself that it rose differently on the day we met.
I know that if I was one minute earlier or late to that bus ride, everything would have changed.
but i managed to convince myself that the reason why i decided to wear mismatched socks today is because the skies wanted us to meet.
gb(52, 52, 52);">I know that life has no purpose and that we spend most of it trying to read between the lines and labeling every notion with words we won’t remember.
I know that sometimes there is really no meaning to what is meant to be meaningful.
and that emotions are nothing but a figment of definitions we have collected from aimless poetry and nights where we are unable to sleep.
I know that,
but why is it so difficult for me to accept?