I Am A Passionate Lover
I Am A Passionate Lover

I am a passionate lover with a love lorn heart,
But alas! My beloved is obstinate and adamant,
What else, I could have done to appease her,
Besides offering so much costly gifts and things many more.
Love is blind and I fell in love at her first sight;
Being enamoured with her matchless beauty and tall height.
My heart is continuously throbbing with love only to get united with her,
But her love is not reciprocal true and sincere.
All my entreaties fell flat to change her mind,
Still she is unmoved, indifferent and unkind.
Oh my darling! I promise to make you smile with weird jokes,
Random kisses on your rosy cheeks.
With all scopes the way you talk,
Walk even if I discover a few freaks,
Please come back my love! To get united with me,
We shall build our temple of love and make it shine.