Er Shine

Drama Others


Er Shine

Drama Others

Happiness is an art

Happiness is an art

2 mins

Some are unable to sleep on pure silk bed sheets,

While few are able to sleep blissfully on the roadside pathways.

Some find discomfort in attaching seat belt in the air condition car,

While few merrily enjoys the ride on a rickshaw under the scorching sun.

Some finds it impossible to eat pizza without the Italian seasoning,

While few can starve off their hunger just by having rice water with salt.

Some are unable to enjoy the warmth while sitting beside the fireplace,

While few are happy getting some relief by burning the dry leaves and cowdung on road.

This materialistic world is full of things,

But it surely lacks the plethora of feelings.

Being happy with what one have,

Is an art that is mastered only by few.

That's why the happiest faces are,

Always found with an aura of their own.

Happiness is an art and part of life,

Lets all pledge to make it thrive

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