Raju Ganapathy



Raju Ganapathy




1 min

They worship thousands of gods

As if that isn't enough they idolize film stars, sports icons, and politicians. 

Obeisance is the way, it is called culture

Genuflexion is an inherent part of their nature. 

Statues they build, statutes they ignore 

Scriptures they quote, blindly they vote

Their life is all about two square meals

That they believe is a God-given deal.

At the top a layer of cream

Who’s who, their life rest can't even dream.

Fools they are they fall for the entertainment

Make ends meet, for the rest of their life that is what it is meant.

Will they ever be awakened?

Their status quo will they apprehend?

Going about daily life in a daze

Full of wishes, and prayer, caught up in the race!

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