Flummox Independence
Flummox Independence

Whoopee!! The jollification of Independence is at its elation...
From Hoisting of National Flag, illuminations, Fireworks display, Official Dinner at Govt. House...
Everything is making merryland roses of chivalry & freedom at its apex creation!!
The dazzling rays of the Sun are marking the galore of celebration!
Ummm... Do the Goddess like Women of this nation...feeling Intimidation??
Alas! The repugnant acts of Violence against Women are carting off the whole Nation!!!
Behold!! Stop this gruesome practice & take a precaution...
Precaution to teach the angelic ones to Stay away from ....falsified clutches of Monsters disguised in form of Humans!!
Precaution to ignite the sparkle of Financial Independence...
An Independence to Survive!
An Independence to Thrive!!!