
It was about 20 billion years ago.. evolved this universe!!
With clouds of dust and gas, yet it turned so diverse!!
It was about 4.5 billion years ago, evolved our earth!!!
With reducing atmosphere where the oxygen was a dearth!!
It was about 4 billion years ago, originated life!!!
Within the water, it began, and expanded to make things alive!!
It was about 3 billion years ago, the first non-cellular forms originated!!
Giant molecules of RNA, protein and polysaccharide capsules perhaps replicated!!
It was about 2000 million years ago, the first cells of life came!!
That greatly evolved into complex biodiversity, that's a fame!!
By the time of 500 mya, formed the invertebrates!!
Which account for the largest kingdoms it accommodates!!
It was about 350 mya, evolved fish that were jawless!!
They were the cyclostomes, that feed on fish as ectoparasites!!
It was during the same period existed the stout and strong lobefins!!
It was about 320 mya, seaweeds and few plants existed!!
We are told that plants were the first organisms that invaded!!
It was about 200 mya, existed the Ichthyosaurus!!
Its characters resembling fish like reptilian features!!
It was probably about 65 mya, suddenly the dinosaurs disappeared!!
the climate killed them or into birds they have evolved!!
It was about 15 mya, primates called Dryopithecus and ramapithecus existed!!
Hairy like chimpanzees and gorillas ape-like and a man like they resembled!!
It was about 3-4 mya, in Eastern Africa man like primates arrived!!
Not taller than 4 feet, yet upright they walked!!
It was about 2mya, in the East African grasslands lived Australopithecus!!
Though essentially ate fruit, they hunted with stone weapons!!
It was about 1.5 to 2.3 mya, existed the Homo habilis ...
It was the first human-like being with 650-800cc brain capacities!!
It was about 1.5 mya existed the meat-eating homo, Erectus!!
With a large brain around 900cc, these were discovered in java fossils!!
It was about 1lakh-40,000 years back, in near and Central Asia lived the homo neanderthaalensis!!
With a 1400cc brain size, they build the dead and protected their body using hides!!!
It was about 75,000- 10,000 years ago, during the ice age the homo sapiens evolved!!
Origin in Africa moved across continents and into distinct races they developed!
He is civilising himself into a modern man in all the best ways possible!!!
And this is the story of the evolution of modern man ..with its interesting features remarkable!!
Obviously, it's a wonder that occurred over the years that seems unbelievable!