Priyanka kayat



Priyanka kayat


Empty house

Empty house

1 min

The time stood still,

As the empty house remained unsealed, 

Glorified into darkness, 

But it remained out of reach, 

Unidentified but, yet 

Swollen out of search

The shadow of the house,

Interrupted into a blue moon,

As covered with empty shores,

It had a large space, which was unknown,

The faith that was eloped,

Remained aloof, throughout the distance.

As it started to pour,

The winds cracked upon,

Cascading into a huge file

There was nothing, but the lightning which struck,

The windows and the doors

Completely shut from the outside world

It was definitely empty,

But once was filled with love,

The house still looks the same,

But now broken as before,

With the warmth gone,

Replaced by

ice-cold stories.

With no lights to snuggle,

Little wildflowers, struggles

Beautifying the magnitude

It was proved with attitude

Nothing to be fascinated 

It broke from all.

With no one to attend 

Completely a stranger as it seemed 

With no noise 

No music 

It was disheartened 

To be left alone 

Once and for all,

As the empty house stood alone 

It camped on fire 

Of its own, soul

Without replacing 

With Its, original life

With no memories left to share 

It haunted its own

As the empty house was left alone

Nothing meant to blossom 

As it turned out to be a complete stranger 

And did not request any attendance. 

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