Bruce Nolan

Drama Romance Others


Bruce Nolan

Drama Romance Others

Desire You...

Desire You...

1 min

You know how I look at you, 

You can see how much I want you, 

That silly itch of lust teases me, 

I watch your walk, talk and giggling tenderly, 

I don't have a grand plan truth to be told

Neither I want to be committed; that an awful thought, but bold

Just spend a few times with you alone, 

With your consent ravish you till your bones, 

Grace you with kisses from head to toe, 

Massage you with scented oils and more, 

Introduce myself into your dome, 

We together can get a home run, with all mourns, 

After sometimes I may feel bore, 

Certainly would tell you no mood to score, 

Just thank you for the time we had, 

My bed smell of you, I feel so glad, 

Sorry for being shallow so direct, 

We could be friends, that a prospect, 

But I would like to explore some lovely bud some more, 

Love is not my things, I have no soul no remorse, 

Lost everything to love I had, 

There is nothing left to share; I know that is sad, 

So I am fondling my lust, fulfill it thirst, 

After all my hell here, and sentence has been started; cursed, 

Hence I asked for your consent before we take a step, 

Tell you my intention, no stakes, 

No motives to prove to anyone, anymore. 

Make love to perfection that is all I want; enjoy some more satisfying my body to the core...

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