Namita Sunder



Namita Sunder


Day 15- Breaking The Shackles

Day 15- Breaking The Shackles

1 min

Breaking the shackles

I am reborn

Shrouded in the mist of others opinion

Imprisoned in predesigned rules and regulation

I asphyxiated

Or was it my own fear

Insecurities and weaknesses

That kept me down

Robbing me of all the dignity and dreams.

But then I gathered myself

and rose from ashes

Sailing the boat through chaotic storms

Yes, struggle there will be

Obstacles too I don’t deny

Sucking in the freedom drop by drop

Feeling the air in my hair

I inhale deeply

Stretch myself tall

Own my mistakes, failures, responsibility

Stagger I might

But I shall walk.

I shall walk…….

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