I'm Namita and I love to read StoryMirror contents.
She sat on the bank of pond alone She sat on the bank of pond alone
Imprisoned in predesigned rules and regulations. Imprisoned in predesigned rules and regulations.
The world filled with the music of new arrival, new life. Weaves the tapestry of hope. The world filled with the music of new arrival, new life. Weaves the tapestry o...
You, O my blooming flowers! You, O my blooming flowers!
Even when miles apart All our untold pains and ache With uncanny precision, she guess Even when miles apart All our untold pains and ache With uncanny precision...
Sad and torn she might be But for her child she, the protector. In the darkest nights Sad and torn she might be But for her child she, the protector. In the dar...
Love never leaves us Love never leaves us
No, finding fault with others is not my game No, finding fault with others is not my game
All the hopes of homes it hung All the hopes of homes it hung
The aroma fills the heart Twirls and tugs With all the cozy warmth it hugs The aroma fills the heart Twirls and tugs With all the cozy warmth it hugs