Danger Waters
Danger Waters

Down there in Sumatra started a big quake,
But no one had expected the Tsunami it did make,
Waves big as mountains like an ar.y they charged,
And into the South Asian lands with all might the barged.
Full with fury, they killed people in thousands,
And destroyed everything from buildings to farmlands,
Thw waves came and went from Sumatra to other places.
And left nothing except empty spaces,
People were left without shelter and fo
Tourists who had come decided they never should.
People lost their loved, near and dear ones,
Survivors snatched and fought for clothes and buns
Relief to the affected was being sent out,
But now of disease there was a big bout.
People feared going near the sea,
Could it swell up again giving no time to flee?
The fear installed in them may stay by days,
But in the darkness of sorrow there's still a happy ray!