Kenidra Stinnett
When life throws a curve ball!
And we strike out, we reposition ourselves...
Get up and try again!
You And I
And later, each and every kidWill love you more for what you did. And later, each and every kidWill love you more for what you did.
Seeking for redemption Seeking for redemption
Let your creativity and passion be told. Let your creativity and passion be told.
He kissed his mom and heartily entered his dreamland exile. He kissed his mom and heartily entered his dreamland exile.
We bonded when she said that I deserved something much better and beautiful and real We bonded when she said that I deserved something much better and beautiful and ...
I have nowhere to go I have nowhere to go
This is a story of a woman , her patience, her love, her compatibility and a lot more. This is a story of a woman , her patience, her love, her compatibility and a lot...
Extremely nice poem... Extremely nice poem...
Believe in yourself... Believe in yourself...
India is a unique secular country, work unitedly. India is a unique secular country, work unitedly.
These are the feelings of a desolate, dreary, unhappy and miserable conditions of the writer. These are the feelings of a desolate, dreary, unhappy and miserable conditions o...
Let us savor the moments divine Let us savor the moments divine
The vicious circle of life is always a reminder... The vicious circle of life is always a reminder...
Empowerment is when a woman doesn't really have to think about empowerment! Empowerment is when a woman doesn't really have to think about empowerment!
As the old year bids adieu, I am instilled with new dreams, new hopes, new resolution, Past is pa... As the old year bids adieu, I am instilled with new dreams, new hopes, new resol...
In a boxing match between joy and sorrow, who wins in the end? In a boxing match between joy and sorrow, who wins in the end?
Terror is spreading like an epidemic agonizing the minds of masses. Terror is spreading like an epidemic agonizing the minds of masses.
When I was saddled up with so many questions. When I was saddled up with so many questions.
Everything is messed up, Yet, keep growing! Everything is messed up, Yet, keep growing!
Gaining wisdom is a blessing Gaining wisdom is a blessing