Paul Martin



Paul Martin


Basking Gulf!

Basking Gulf!

1 min

Basking in misconceptions that bind

Making you feel inept in your well-worn mind 

Taking things for granted you settle in 

But this is a battle that no one can ever win.

They speak to you in caustic calamitous riddles 

Expecting you to complete all the puzzles

Telling you that you are breaking the seams

Then in that tone, they go to extremes.

Yelling and screaming their gobbledygook

Playing you for the pawn when you are the rook

Dark in nature and about to take flight

You can't take the pressure you are in a plight.

Delicate whispers too low for you to even hear

Drenched in cryptic clusters garnished with fear

Grab the lifeline before the curtain finally falls

But you'r

e still in the limelight climbing up the walls.

Hunger and madness are forefront runners that feast

You are in danger of the wild crimson beast 

Playing you like the piper plays the rats that scamper 

Now you are in their basket-like fodder for the hamper

Dainty little favors are blasted by new awkward plans 

Feeling like a little boy but you're a fully grown man

The pressure that's created changes every mood

Treasure this perception you are being eyed as food.

What's done is done, will never overcome this sad hype

It took this many years to discover you're not their type 

So you linger and you whimper just like the tired wolf

The distance that has crept in is now a wide-open gulf.

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