Baby O' Baby
Baby O' Baby

Baby O Baby, My dear Baby
I know, love has no boundaries
I too know, love has no distance
Love travels faster than soul ǁ
My lovely baby, love has no death
I know, the love is priceless
I know too, love has no religion
Love has no education, well ǁ
O Baby, love is infinite
You know, love has no hunger
Love can dictate terms
Love travels entire Universe ǁ
Love definition, I can’t express
I can’t explain, how the love will be
Love has no day and night
Pure love has no pollution ǁ
Love starts at sixteen
Begin love like acts and behavior
What the love is, youngsters experience
Can’t explain love, how it will be ǁ
Love is deep and hard to guess
How deep the love is, one can’t judge
Can’t measure depth of love’s sacredness
Who knows, where the love stays ǁ
Love is
Love has no face
Love has no color
Love is spread in the entire Universe ǁ
Love travels in train and rain
Love travels in space and sea
Love has no gears and brakes
Love fly like satellite ship ǁ
Rulers lost the Kingdoms
Kingdoms became deserts
Love like strike is more like a missile
Love fights Nature, as Nature keeps silent ǁ
Love behave like a Lightening Thunder
Calls the Deal like Nature’s win
Erupts Life like Clouds rupture sound
Sparks Life with thundering speed ǁ
Rain and Cloud create the havoc play
Love and life is like a Sound of Music
Game of Life is Love like Dance
Love and Life are Nature’s Gift ǁ
People die for love sake life
Love can’t die for Nature’s sake
Baby O Baby, show the Love
Baby O Baby, feel the Love ǁ