Rajrani Sadhu

Abstract Romance Tragedy


Rajrani Sadhu

Abstract Romance Tragedy



1 min

That night of thunderstorms and roaring winds,

I could see the sky crying it's freezing water out,

And logging the streets.

Years of bottled up pain,

Rained down on that day.

I could see the sky wriggling in anguish,

Of the torture meeted out to her since eternity.

She cupped her mouth,

Believing that her palms could restrict her anguish from gushing out.

The stars, the moon were concealed in her gloominess,

For every form of sympathetic consolation,

Rubbed her scars.

Amphan could bear it no longer,

She wanted to punish her traitors.

Denied love blinded her teary eyes,

Driving her insane,

She niped the flower in the bud.

Ah, the agony she harboured,

Crushed innocent beings,

Only to leave her rejected again.

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