The smallest of all losses
The smallest of all losses
The smallest of all losses,
Are the ones, least cared for,
The smallest of trespasses,
Are the ones, least cried for?
The smallest of all ironies;
We forget what small things cost.
Going on with life’s great journey,
The smallest of the small are lost!
The smallest miracles, we do lose,
Yet, they are the greatest wonders of God,
Then why, do we, foolishly choose,
To reject, love; the greatest gift of the lord?
Oh! Those peaceful moments; those minutest moments,
Yet they shone, with the splendor of a thousand suns;
Now, we have turned them into a ghostly hollow,
Oh! What have we done!
Were love and friendship, not the sweetest?
That the earth could provide.
Truly, the smallest is the greatest,
One day, they were our joy and pride.
What can defeat the bliss,
Of, learning from peaceful Mother Nature?
Oh! What an abyss;
If we cant love a fellow-creature.
Mans deep understanding,
The steadfast might of tall trees,
A chi
ldlike questioning,
Seeking answers, whispered by the breeze.
Gazing at vast oceans,
While standing on the shore,
Filled with, beautiful emotion,
Not always wanting more.
Looking at one’s fellow, dear,
Peaceful mind, hopeful smiles!
Holding faith at heart; without fear;
Ready, to walk together; many more miles.
Taking rustic pleasures,
With dear friends at heart;
Of war and strife, no measures,
These modern evils, nay! Not apart.
Now, this is our sorrow,
Instead of inward-looking, we see outwards only,
In making our tomorrow,
We’ve learned to grow so busy; when comes the ‘morrow,
Lords, greatest gift, shall be lost to history!
Now that love’s joys, we have forgotten,
Still their losses we do scarcely know;
Yet, now that we’ve lost them,
Still in our hearts, it does the show.
We have lost the greatest gift,
We can now wallow in great woe.
Only, love, that we have lost, can redeem us,
As the river of life, must flow.