Rachel Singhal



Rachel Singhal


A Tribute

A Tribute

2 mins

You think his hands are feeble and old

But these hands are the ones that reap gold

These are the hands that feed your mouth

Yes, it is the Farmer I am talking about.

You think he does not love his son and wife

I think he does, but he puts stakes on his life

Because of his unparalleled love for his motherland

Yes, he is the Soldier, who fights in snow and sand.

You think he cares about money, he cheats

But it is because of him your heartbeats

More than him, no one can be braver                                                                   &n


Yes, he is the Doctor, a life-saver.

You think he has his head in the clouds

But his words are powerful enough to melt a crowd

His work soothes you and also makes you cry

Yes, he is the Poet, you can’t deny.

He sits on the pavement, his thumbs black

With all kinds of footwear, he has a special knack

Without him, you won’t be able to walk a meter

Yes, it is the Cobbler, saying, “Give me your foot please, Sir”.

The world calls him crazy, but he doesn’t care

He works relentlessly, without food or fare

Finally, he shows the world his wonderful feat

Yes, he is the Scientist, the Inventor, who never admits defeat.

You think he doesn’t listen to your prayer

I think he listens; I think he does care

He is the one who gave us this life after all

Yes, he is the Almighty, the creator of this world.

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