Lyka Ross

Abstract Drama


Lyka Ross

Abstract Drama

A Poem of a Not Poet

A Poem of a Not Poet

1 min

I started with a blank empty sheet

The world around me that I have to defeat

Word in my mind searching it’s way out

My hands are itchy to write, but there’s a doubt

I have a notion deep within

Like an owl being caged in

How do I begin?

If the words and meaning doesn’t fit in

Don’t even know how to make them rhyme

Sitting and staring at this empty sheet dissipate time

Not knowing if I can tell this unutterable phra

ses, mine

If wouldn’t it’ll be fine

Hoping a single word I could start

Lingering thoughts blew words - depart

If I could set the words to escape

I would be a hero, but not having a cape

I’m no a writer,

Like them had written numerous novels and poetry

But dreaming I would be

If I do, a not poet like me wouldn’t be ever unknown

But for now, trying to focus on my own

And hoping I could end this poem

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