A Mother’s Sobs

A Mother’s Sobs

3 mins

They were so charming, jolly and full of life,

Playing the tunes of unsung lullabies of love;

The love for my soil, the love for my beauty,

And the love for my viceless entity and flawless purity.

Cuts and wounds were never a factor for them

When I was shivering with my hands hitched and soul

imprisoned; they protected me sacrificing their soul,

They protected me imprisoning their life to death,

The protected every inch of my body from

Marinating with dirt and thorns spread by foes,

They dedicated their body in front of my foot grinningly,

Just to protect my skin and my decency wholly.

My heart was torn apart every time witnessing their

Crimson blood, and scattered everywhere meaninglessly.

My heart wrenched every time watching them

Leaving their last breath and dedicating their corpse

In the name of my vivacious liberty and radiant tri-colour.

My heart whined badly in this bittersweet melancholy

Of losing these innocent souls carelessly for my security.

My heart bled huge while their beguiling smile

Turned pale and their liveliness took no time

While turning into a lifeless dead for their family.

Nobody knows I am a moribund land with million

Stitches to my heart and glued soul by consolation,

Nobody says about my untouched pain yearning

For their strong return and play with their tender soul.

Nobody notices I am a cursed mother watching

My children bloodstained and s

pread their pieces of body

For my unsold existence and spotless fake skin.

That day they kissed my forehead like nobody can ever,

They preached the scripture of peace in my name,

They seemed so happy starting a new voyage,

They articulated their love for me on the day of love,

And they showed my uncountable value falling down

In my lap with endless sleep in the most cursing dawn.

I am a helpless and weak mother who failed in saving

Her children;

I am a defeated soul cursing for losing her source of

Ultimate solace;

And I am an unhealed embodiment of numerous pathetic diseases,

Ripened wounds and prominent scars.

Revenge is the only way they say for my healing,

But I say to return them back to save my feelings;

Revenge is the only path as it is “ENOUGH” for us

But I say to curse the beasts ceasing empathy;

Revenge is the only faith for their sin has been recycled

But I say to put the blood mongers in the abyss of death

Forever; to never be able to find ways either of hell

Or the scenic heaven to rest their crimes worriedlessly.

Every door of hope, love, faith and light should be engulfed

For their merciless offence to rot them with their venality.

Sobs of a mother should never go in vain,

Curse of a mother should never mercy then from pain,

Lost maternity of a mother should never grace the impudence,

And vast anger of a mother should cease their peace togain; forever.

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