A light In The Darkness

A light In The Darkness

1 min

Lingering to the darkness

In the eerie silence, so disturbing

I lay in distress, worrying and panicking

Frightened of the world outside

The demons battle within,

As I struggled to find a way out

The darkness kept spreading

Leaving me helpless

Just before I slipped away into oblivion

I felt the faint warmth reach

Dragging me out from the darkness

Giving me something to hold on to

Lights lit up adding hope to me

Bright colors danced in front of me

Happiness surrounded me like a little bubble

Keeping all my despair and pain out

A smile crept up on my face as I lit up my sparkler

Under the moonless sky, I played along with my friends

And the monster inside left in defeat

For a light lit up in my darkness

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