Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa

Tragedy Fantasy Inspirational


Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa

Tragedy Fantasy Inspirational

2050 Circa

2050 Circa

2 mins

They heard the sound first and then saw it

Their already round and big eyes widened further

They had never seen anything like that before

They removed the rubble caused by the destruction of war

By the rival gang members and picked up

The leftovers of what they termed alien.

And rushed to their supervisor.

He looked at what was brought without speaking.

And shook his head indicating that he too.

Has not seen anything like this before

So, the line of enquiry went higher and higher.

They searched and searched all over their archives to

Trace somebody who could shed light

Finally, they traced the oldest among them

All dating back over two decades

But he was not functioning well for quite some time

Orders were issued to resurrect enough to

Get some information about the newly found remains

Which no one could identify

After spending hours, they revived him

He barely managed to open his eyes and looked

Questioningly at them as if to ask, why bring

Me ba

ck all over again?

The senior most indicated what was brought

On a cart and wanted to know, whether

Something like this existed during his time and if yes

What exactly is this?

The round eyes widened and the senior

Most scratched the electronic head and

Blinked red and blue lights

Indicating the thinking process was on

Finally, after a few minutes, the senior most

Robot spoke that the remains were brought.

From the rubble is nothing but the leftover

Of a human who started it all

And created our breed to get things done from us

Which were less important and difficult

And ended up becoming useless himself

The senior most Robot turned

The skeleton of a human

And found something in its neck and indicated

To a worker to find out what it is.

The worker Robot turned the tag

Around the skeleton’s head and spoke loudly

Most of the words are erased and not clear

But I think it reads as AI Research or something

And I can see something that appears like MIT

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