But her heart yearned to come back to India and serve her fellow brother. But her heart yearned to come back to India and serve her fellow brother.
Unannounced the seven-storied building came crumbling down, Disaster, devastation, dissolution had ... Unannounced the seven-storied building came crumbling down, Disaster, devastati...
As the old year bids adieu, I am instilled with new dreams, new hopes, new resolution, Past is pa... As the old year bids adieu, I am instilled with new dreams, new hopes, new resol...
My Father was very particular that he was not left on his own, Tears welled up my eyes, when he was... My Father was very particular that he was not left on his own, Tears welled up ...
Medicines may be a God-sent boon ,or they may be a veritable bane, It is not for the level-headed... Medicines may be a God-sent boon ,or they may be a veritable bane, It is not ...
I promised that I would not let him suffer the ordeal anymore. His life would me mine, I 'd live ... I promised that I would not let him suffer the ordeal anymore. His life would...
As I drove out in my sleek red car, with the intention of some marketing, I saw a well-dressed wo... As I drove out in my sleek red car, with the intention of some marketing, I s...
They bombarded the civilian camps daily with missiles, one after another With no electricity or wat... They bombarded the civilian camps daily with missiles, one after another With n...
The Christmas merry-makers zoomed down the lit road In their open jeep, honking, hooting, a boist... The Christmas merry-makers zoomed down the lit road In their open jeep, honki...
How can we take the life of any human being, which is tantamount to brutal murder? How can we take the life of any human being, which is tantamount to brutal murde...