Saurabh Pant



Saurabh Pant


The Crow's Call

The Crow's Call

2 mins

Far above in sky, they set for a legal call!

A fair distance they flew away to reach trees so tall!

Yet, those who destroyed in moors are not welcome in name of Crow's call!


Some dance away bringing love messages in their legs!

Their receivers dancing in joy of boon’s specs!

Yet, those who fail to do so - They are not welcome in face of Crow's call!


Some remain most close; still, they were unable to reach mark!

Some die in love's diffusion, some loose their hope in a single spark!

Yet, in the face of unknown willingness - They are not welcome in means of Crow's call!


Some reach toughness, but they change as they become old!

Some reach top of the twigs, yet their efforts not recognised to be gold!

Far beyond the world of hope - They are avoided in the face of Crow's call!


It suddenly happened that people go through dust, which was once the collective death of crows!

It suddenly happened that injustice rankled, Unblemished mark also crows!

Still, there is a single chance only -They are not welcome in face of Crow's call!


It will continue to perish in the future, the witness will die or fall!

The love shall never accept the crows; they are thrown out from Diamond's they polish in the halls!

Yet, on the mark of suffocation and injury of the past - They will be away from Crow's call...

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