You're A Star And You'll Shine
You're A Star And You'll Shine

Kabir, a boy of 24 by age but 6 by height! Yes. Kabir Rastogi, born to a rich family was an extremely talented boy. Whatever he had demanded all through his life, he got with ease. He was dearest to his parents. A single child, he was definitely pampered the most. But apart from all his wishes coming true, there was something which was missing. He had all the luxuries of life but what he didn't have was his height! Kabir was born with a disability that hampered his growth. He was even less than 5" at the age of 24! His height did not come in between his wishes, but it did obstruct his aspirations!
He wanted to join the civil services, but again his height didn't allow him to do so!
From joining civil services to being an advocate he tried his luck everywhere but alas! It didn't happen the way he wanted.
"I know you're devastated with the failures you've been facing now, but trust me a day will come when the whole of the world will remember you by your name! Yes! They'll say "Look that's Kabir Rastogi going!", and trust me that day is worth waiting coz it'll be the best day of your life!" , Kabir's mom motivated him once again to make him have his dinner and medicine. Kabir then hugged her tight, had dinner and slept.
Next morning he woke up and got ready for another interview. It was in a Multinational Corporation in Mumbai. Since his college days, Kabir had aspired to be a part of this company.
"All the best, I know whatever will happen, it'll be the best", his dad said to him as he fed him a spoon of curd and sugar.
Kabir soon reached the office. He was in the waiting area when once again all that happened. Some of the office employees started to make a joke of his height. He had become a laughing stock for everyone. Some did support, but they were far less than those who made fun.
Kabir's turn soon came. By the time he had entered the cabin, he had lost all his confidence. He had gone blank. All his preparations were into vain.
While the interviewer was questioning him, he was lost in the insult that happened an hour before! Although his merits were quite impressive, since he didn't utter a word in an interview, he couldn't crack it! And once again he faced another failure, this time not because of his height, but because of his low self-confidence for his height!
He returned home with a sad face and his mom was smart enough to understand what had happened.
"I'm not here to give you another motivation lecture. But just to tell you that you're a star and you'll definitely shine one day!", she said and left. But this time Kabir took a lot more than normal time to get out of his trauma!
A few days passed and another opportunity came in way of Kabir. Since all that happened in past, Kabir didn't want to take up this. But his mom hadn't lost hope, she asked him to go for it, for one last time, for her.
Kabir stood up, made up his mind again and dressed.
This time it wasn't an interview. It was an audition. Yes, it was an audition for a dance
reality show where nobody was judged for there caste or gender or height or age. What they were judged were was for their talent. And kabir was a superb dancer. Since the age of 9 he had started taking parts in dance events and had managed to add around 13 trophies in his garland of achievement! Isn't it great? This time too he was being tested for dance.
Again his dad said the golden words, "All the best, I know whatever will happen, it'll be the best.", fed him a spoon of curd and sugar, blessed him and himself accompanied Kabir to the audition venue.
Both were nervous and excited at the same time. For the first time, Kabir was attempting to make his passion a profession. He had never imagined that a guy who was a qualified engineer and an MBA graduate would go into this field to make his living!
Soon their registration number was called. Kabir entered.
Initially, he was scared about the reaction that the judges and audience would make, but keeping all this aside, he gave his best. He performed to his best. And to his surprise, none reacted the way he thought! Instead, everyone applauded as his performance was done! They even shouted, "Once more!" For the first time, Kabir was praised for his talent and not made fun of his height.
Three hours later, performances were done. Results were announced and yes! Kabir made it to the Top 10 of the contest. His family's happiness knew no bounds! They were elated. His family soon for three months, shifted to Delhi, where the competition was being held. Gradually competition proceeded and Kabir outshone his every performance. Every day a new Kabir was in front of the judges. They were astonished to see this little boy doing so good! Kabir soon entered into the top three.
Yes! Along with a localite and a girl from Kolkata, Kabir was the third one. The voting process was on its peak. Everyone started voting for Kabir. And everyone included even those who had made fun of his height at the office he had gone to for his interview in Mumbai! Yes! Even they praised and voted for him. Kabir had already become a star and his dream came true when the results came! Yes! Kabir was declared the winner! He had won with a massive margin of 3crores 47 lakhs votes! This number was familiar to Kabir only in the form of turnovers he had read, for the first time this number made him achieve one of his biggest achievements! Now Kabir was famous worldwide, not because he was a dwarf, but because he had inspite of going through so many failures given his best and achieved his dream.
Kabir was no less than a star now. As they returned Mumbai with a trophy and the car and the cheque, the first ones to wish him were his friends! Even they knew at some point in their lives, they too had insulted him for his height but today a hug and an apology made up for all the faults! Kabir's mom's words had now come true. He had become a star and shone the brightest that day! Kabir Rastogi was then onwards remembered for his victory, his achievement, and his dancing skills not for he being a 24 year old but still 5"!