What if?
What if?

Life is full of what-ifs. What if, there was no war? What if there was no hatred between men and what if the world united as one and we lived in peace? What if, we were still a democracy? What if, friends never drifted apart and couples stayed together? What if, poverty didn’t exist and there was no more hunger or suffering? What if, the ice caps didn’t melt, and the rivers not poisoned by oil leakages?
It’s easy to get lost in the what-ifs, much easier than you’d think and sometimes it’s kind of nice to imagine how things could have been. But truth is, you can im
agine all you want it’ll never be a reality because what’s happened has already happened and nothing you do can change that, no-one can. The best thing you can do is move forward, make better decisions, and hope for the best. The most important thing, and I really can’t stress enough how important this is, never give up hope. No matter what, keep fighting even when you’re at your lowest and you feel like you can’t anymore, that’s when you fight even harder. Reinvent yourself, it’s never too late to be a better version of yourself. Maybe a new you, is just what the doctor ordered.