Asmita Bhattacharya

Abstract Drama Romance


Asmita Bhattacharya

Abstract Drama Romance

What If It Hurts ?

What If It Hurts ?

6 mins

We all take chances, we all are ready to risk it until and unless we risk it all and lose it all.

'LOVE!!! Huh you think that even exists!!'

Two girls sitting on a club bench one with alcohol and others with wine are high on the debate.  "I loved him honey yet it ends badly, I just hope he doesn't portray me as a villain in front of his friends " Shweatlana dragged Rhea to the bar, the dance floor is hitting with the song 'Breakup song Break up song karde Dil ki feeling strong' Shweatlana order two vodka shots and she urg to double around the rocks..

Rhea almost high by the time is hitting the dancefloor and dancing her heart out alone.. After a tiresome partying they returned to their flat room no. 506. Since high school had been over the 2 best friends are sharing a flat in Bangalore they occasionally visit their own city kolkata.. in the past 4 years many have happened and had been forgotten but their friendship that's eternal. 

Rhea dropped on the bed without even changing her clothes. Shweatlana cared enough to cover her with a blanket, for the past one year Rhea has been like this she goes to college in the morning and then for tution in the evening. At night she party hard and tries to hide herself behind the tequila shots. Shweatlana knows it all she has seen her best friend during her tough times. She knows love hurts but she doesn't know how to calm her friend. 

Next day Rhea went to tution in the afternoon after that on her way to home she saw the concert of a famous singer Surojit Chatterjee. Although she doesn't like the bengali bands much yet something happened as if she was dragged by some supernatural force into the concert she elbowed trough the crowd and got a place to sit on her right there were 2 girls with as much makeups on there face and on her left were a row of boys. Just next to her was a guy sitting continuously shaking his leg causing Rhea's seat to jeark as well. Not only just that Rhea hates sharing her armrest with any other who almost occupies most of it.Besides the light from his phone was continuously falling on her face.

She almost decided to leave the concert when the guy next to her and 2 or 3 along with him went away. She thought now she can sit abit more cause Shweatlana will be late tonight she has some unfinished business to attend. Meanwhile those guys returned and luckily the irritating one took a seat away from Rhea leaving the other guy in despair. Seeing there isn't any other option the guy decided to sit next to Rhea. Rhea felt abit happy cause she will have enough space for her arm now. But the guy was not that comfortable 

"Hey are these two girls next to you , your friends? "

To Rhea's surprise suddenly she was infront of a question by a stranger 

She at first couldn't understand what was the guy asking due to such sound 


Rhea countered him with another question. Suddenly to give Rhea a better version of his voice the guy came close to her ears.Rhea could even feel his breathe on her neck , ears and on the strands of her hair. She was taken aback and then jolted back to reality that the guy was trying to tell her something she leaned abit and tucked her hair strands behind her ear.

"Are these two girls your friend? "

"NO " Rhea replied 

Then to her surprise she saw many of the people got up and moving their body with the beats of music and similarly were the girls next to her doing. She thought she is a mishap among those audience. She didn't wanna ruin others mood so she gestured the guy next to her and he along with his friends got up to sway on the beats. Rhea got up and clapped her hand with the beats. She once glanced to her left 

The guy,.....wearing specs ,yet the eyes playing hide and seek behind his specs, hair half wet is trimmed from the sides,skin toned , a shirt decently hanging on his body. He was tall probably 5'9, suddenly the guy turned towards her, Rhea shifted her glance at once, she doesn't wanna get caught staring at someone. He again brought himself close enough to Rhea's ear to ask her name and what she does etc.etc. within a minute Rhea was comfortable enough to share her identity and know his as well. 

Rhea asked him his name. He being unable to hear Rhea, brought his ear close enough to Rhea's face. Rhea was busy gazing him and has forgotten what was she asking. She was close enough to smell his perfume and see drops of perspiration on his neck 

After a good deal of chitchats the guy asked whether Rhea is there in insta or Facebook. Rhea thought for a moment and shared her insta id with him, but he typed her name Rea instead of Rhea ,so she took his phn and typed her name and herself sent the follow request to her own account. After that she paused abit for she has never done something like this and started over thinking what the guy must think about her now.

Right then 2 rowdy looking guys came and asked Danishk to come out from his seat. Rhea took a moment to get that these guys are his friends. But Danishk at first denied to go with his friends. His friends intrigued by Danishk's behaviour pointed at Rhea at once and asked 

"Is that your gf ? " Rhea was taken aback by that question and looked at Danishk at once. Danishk was spellbound for a second Rhea saw him gesturing something towards his friends and he turned towards Rhea to apologise. Rhea felt he is such a sweet piece of cake. With such dainty manners.  

Rhea's phn rang 

"Where on earth are you bitch ? Its 9:30 pm come home asap !!" That was Shweatlana. Rhea now realised it was so late so she cared to bid Danishk goodbye and started to decend down the stairs. At the end of the steps she turned again back to Danishk, he was busy talking to his friends. Rhea thought she must head to her home asap Shweatlana will be waiting for her.

When Rhea reached, Shweatlana was already there waiting for her with dinner , she has ordered from the hotel Rhea's favourite dish. Shweatlana noticed Rhea watching her phone in between eating her favourite dish which is not that usual. So after they finished there dinner Shweatlana was determined to get the secret out of Rhea

"Where were you for so long ? Darling "

Shweatlana asked in a quirky tone. Rhea was determined not to answer any of her question. She knew Shweatlana will be pulling her leg if she comes to know about the evening. So she caught Shweatlana by her nose and told.

"kuch nehi meri ma "

"Dont be a CID"

Shweatlana thought its better to sleep cause she has college in the early morning 

But Rhea she was deep in her thoughts "'who was the stranger who came this close so easily' ,Am i overthinking it again? Why is he so familiar.. .No no what am I even thinking about ..WHAT IF IT HURTS AGAIN, no no I must try sleeping '"

And it was 11:15 by the clock when the light of Rhea's phone flashed it was an Instagram notification which tells 

"danishk____02 wants to send a msg "

She dragged the notification it says


It's me we met at the concert 

Dinner done?"

Shweatlana was awake she saw Rhea's face has lit up with a pretty smile, she turned the opposite side and tried sleeping. 

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