Tragedy Inspirational



Tragedy Inspirational

To my dear neighbour

To my dear neighbour

4 mins

Today morning, while sorting out my old photos, I came across a very special photo of mine. I blew of the dust that had settled over that picture since the past 5 years. I was only 5 and was standing next to my dear neighbor in her balcony. She had a smiling face and glistening eyes. I was looking at her and laughing my head out at her joke in the picture. Tears clouded my eyes as I smiled affectionatly at the only memory I had left of her. I cherished over the old fun moments I had with her. I still remember the day it happened. It was last year. I had gone to my nani's house for summer vacations and had just come back from there. My first thought that came to my mind was to run to aunty's house, (I called my neighbour aunty) and tell her all about my nani, the games i played, the museums and parks I had visited e. t. c. I had promised her to do so. As I reached to my front door to run to aunty's house, my mother caught my hand an said, " beta, they must be sleeping now. You can go tomorrow." I had no choice but to agree. Reluctantly I too went to my bed dreaming about aunty's sensational puran polis and dhoklas. There were hundreds of them and aunty was feeding me with her own hands. The next morning I woke up fresh and lively looking forward to the big day ahead. I did not know that was actually going to be a big day for me. I quickly brushed my teeth. "I had promised myself to wake up at 9, why did I wake up at 10" I said to my self. I went downstairs to see my least favorite breakfast, rava idli on the plate. Then I remembered that aunty would be making dahi vada or puran polis or even dhoklas. I told my mother that I will have breakfast there. And I ran to her house without waiting for a response. When I reached no one was in sight so I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again. No response. The sun shone brightly and blue sky looked awesome. No one would be in on such a lovely day. Could they have moved out? I thought to myself. No that can't be. Aunty promised to always be with me, I thought. At the same time a newspaper boy passed by. I asked him about aunty. He said, " don't you know she died." Aunty had died. I stood rooted to the spot. I wanted to cry but no tears came out. I was depressed. I didn't know what to do. I thought about all the unfinished promises. I ran straight home and to my room without saying a word to anyone. The trees outside seemed to be dancing to a solemn song. She was like a second mother to me. She was more than family to me. She was my only best friend but now she left me. Flashes of what was left of the happy relationship flew past my eyes. I cherished upon the happy memories spent with her. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I was trying not to sob. I remembered how she and I used to make rotis together and the time when I covered my whole face with flour and pretended to be a vampire. I made a heart shaped roti with aunty and she fed me lovingly that day. I remembered the time when I ran away from home to eat dahi vada with aunty. I would never be able to do so again I thought. I would not get aunty's monthly puran polis and dhoklas but only memories. A fat tear rolled down as if to agree with me. I realized my deep affection and love for her. I personally think that I have more than love for her. It is a feeling of extreme happiness and care. Which I only feel for her. I decided to nurture the happy moments spent with her and always keep it with me, deep down my heart. A year has passed since that day and I still remember her everyday. I hope she is happy in heaven and reads this to realize the love for her. The only message I want to convey through this is that there is a person in everyone's life who holds a very special position in one's life. They spin a very important chapter in one's book. So just love them and this in for and to my dear neighbor. 

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