Sneha Hembram



Sneha Hembram


Three Monkeys

Three Monkeys

1 min

To teach our children a lesson, we tell them a story of 'Three Monkeys' of Gandhi Ji. The story says:

Once Gandhi Ji brought three monkeys, those three monkeys were blind, deaf, and dumb. People used to make fun, 'why have you brought the disabled monkeys, who are no use'. Then Gandhi Ji politely replied smiling: 'you won't understand how useful they are and well mannered.' All people were confused... How? (Asked all of them)

Gandhi Ji said: 'You see when the blind monkey does something wrong he could not see, the deaf could not hear what wrong he is saying and the dumb one can't speak the wrong words. They set the example: Blind - Don't see wrong, Deaf - Don't hear the wrong and Dumb - Don't utter the wrong. Those three monkeys are nothing but three principles which the human should include within themselves.'

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