The Unexpected Roommate
The Unexpected Roommate

Authors pov: Y/n is a girl. Y/n recently got into this wonderful university named "Harbird university" with a FULL Scholarship. y/n's next plan is to buy herself a room in the hostels which are provided by the university itself. Y/n lives in a room with Drake and Olivia, one of the roommates just left the room a few days ago. y/n heard that there was another guy who got into this university with a FULL scholarship just like y/n, so y/n was curious how y/n's rival is going to be. Y/n and the anonymous guy turned out to be in the same classroom.
Y/n's pov: "Oh Thank god I get to see the guy who came with a full scholarship with me... So today is just going to be full of surprises"
*y/n enters the classroom and looks around*
"The anonymous guy probably must be studying... and looks like a nerd too"
*The Invigilator enters the class*
"I'll just take my place"
*sits on the last bench*
Anonymous guy's pov: "who is this sitting in my place? The last bench should be my place... Anyways, I'll just go sit beside her and maybe even become friends? let's see"
*sits beside y/n*
y/n's pov: "No one ever sat beside me, how is this guy- WOW, he sure is so good looking"
*hits herself with her hand*
"Focus... Focus on your studies"
Authors pov: The anonymous guy introduces himself as "Jake". Y/n can feel butterflies in her stomach whenever he smiled at her while talking. Later on, they concentrate in the class. The invigilator asks the students to find themselves a pair with whom they can do the upcoming project. The pr
oject in which They both have to work in pairs to make money by using any of their talents. This project is going to develop coordination and patience between the two. Jake without even thinking asks for Y/n to be his partner. It was obvious that y/n accepted his request and told him to meet at the library.
` Later, At the library `
Authors pov: y/n tries to reach the book she wanted. Suddenly, she sees a hand which took the book she wanted. She then realized that it was jake. They both looked and each other and laughed looking at their same taste in books. They soon found out that they had so much in common and that jake is the guy who got into the university with a FULL scholarship just like y/n. After discussing for a while, They decided to meet tomorrow at the class as it was getting late already.
`The next day. At Y/n's, Drake and Olivia's room`
y/n's pov: *wakes up and checks her phone*
"wow , this was a sudden text.. 'There is going to be a new roommate for room 201' "
*door bell rings*
authors pov: y/n is shook by seeing who it was , Olivia was really happy to be sharing a room with a handsome guy, Drake was just Shocked and Ran Away. Y/n noticed this and ran towards Drake.
`Later, At the corridor`
y/n's pov: "Why? Why were you shocked? why did u run away?"
. . . . . . TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . .