The Road Of My Dreams
The Road Of My Dreams

For the first time, I stepped outside the walls of my protected house when I was in my 11th class. I enrolled in a distance program so that I can prepare for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). CLAT is a centralized test for admission to 21 National Law Universities in India. Staying away from the house for the first time was not easy for me at all. I can’t forget the face of my father when he was leaving me, he was some way scared also but yeah he knows nothing can be above his child career.
The determination, passion, and focus were very high to achieve my goal to get into the best National Law University of India. I took commerce in my 11th class and because of it I also took tuitions for my Accountancy subject. The coaching center was around 3 kilometers away from my hostel and I always use to take a walk to reach my coaching center and then walk to the 5th floor of the building. I was doing well both at my hostel and my coaching. Then, my cousin's sister, she also joined with me and as her father’s suggestion was that if she will be with me, her academic report will also progress. She enrolled there in a college and took PCM in her 11th.
We two sisters were entirely different in characters and do not share the same perception of life. But, she always used to take care of me and always be protective of me. She was supportive and good at organizing things. The best aspect of this relation was that we both were willing to teach and learn from each other. There were many challenges that came between us, but we managed to solve all of those. We together have many memories of going out on movies, making boyfriends, shopping, and doing creative things together. I remember the day when we went out for a movie at night and we got so many scolding from our warden that day. But, it was her father who believed in me and we made a quick fake story to settle the matter. That day, I don’t know why I cried a lot and warden bhaiya came to calm me down. It was a journey of a whole two years being together. And, as much I remember, I use to watch every movie in the hall on Wednesday for just 100 bucks on offer. We learned a lot from each other, and there were also days when we had a lot of fights. She has an aura of being a leader and a little dominative to others. As I was 6 months elder than her then there were times, when I try to dominate her and ask her to do things in my way. But, she is a girl of doing her things in her own ways and could not let others dominate her. And there, her anger and my ego came and tarnished this beautiful relation of ours. And, now we no more talk to each other.
The days of my 12th exam and my CLAT exam was very important to me. After a lot of drama, fights, and huge conversation between us, now it was a time to look forward to our future. I just studied for a month before my 12th exam and scored very fewer marks. Parents were not happy and everybody had a lot of expectation from me. In this whole journey of 2 years, I barely give time to my books and studies and was always busy in doing bullshit works. Then, there came my CLAT exam. I did every procedure and submitted the exam fees for the same. That one month were the days where I studied a lot to get into my dream law college.
Then finally the day comes of my exam. I entered the examination hall before 15 minutes and p
rayed the god. It was an online exam, it took another 15 minutes to complete every procedure and finally, I got a seat. I entered my username and password to log in. And, then there a page opens full of questions. I started answering the questions and suddenly I realized, this is not the pattern of questions that I was preparing for. Then, I saw the questions of a candidate sitting next to me, questions were flashing the same as I was prepared for.
For some seconds, I got completely blanked and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I called someone to check as if there any problem with my questions. I asked him, “I am giving this exam for an Undergraduate graduate course.” He said, “Sorry ma’am, you have enrolled for Postgraduate course.” I just couldn’t speak anything at that time, and without talking to anyone I just walk outside the examination hall. Without wasting any time I took an auto and went back to my hostel. Many thoughts started coming to my mind, what I will say to my parents? What I will do now? I just smashed my own dreams with my own hands….. I cried a lot that day, everybody was tensed in my hostel, my warden, my hostel mates and me. I called the teacher of that coaching centre where I was taking the classes and said to him the whole story. He said, “Take admission in any other college or just drop a year and do your preparation again.” After staying two-three days, I went back to my home and told my parents that I’m going to do a simple graduate degree in English honors.
Beside, CLAT I also gave the exam for KIIT University, School of Law as the examination was free. I got a call from that college. I told my parents about that but the fees for the college were a little high but was known for good placements. My father told to me, “Go to that college, and book our tickets for the same.” But, this was not it. In my neighbor's house, one boy was staying who used to always continuously keep a watch at me and follow me wherever I go. But, one day I got an opportunity to scold him and shower all my anger to him. When I scolded him, my father was also there a little away from me and which I wasn’t aware of. He couldn’t hear what I talked to that boy but, he could understand that I am talking to a boy.
He came to the house with his red eyes and told that “Just, lock her in a room and do not allow her to go anywhere.” He didn’t allow me to put my point and neither had he tried to talk to me. My mother was very upset because of that whole incident. I told her everything and said that “I will not do anything to let you all down.” Now, I understood that I’m not going anywhere. So, I filled the form of a college near my house and just the signature of my father was left. When my father came in the evening from the office, I went to him and asked him to sign in the form. He asked me, “What it is?” I replied, “Just a form, I’m getting admission to St. Columbus College near our house.” He straight away rejected, and said, “You will study law, which you always wanted. Pack your bags. I have made the whole arrangement for the travel.” I was so happy that day and thanked him for it.
So, my dear readers, the road to our dreams isn't always easy. Now, I am in my final year of law school and I can say that it doesn’t matter from which law school you studied, it all matters that what you did in those five years of law school. I am a believer in destiny. Do you?