Lesson Taught By Life
Lesson Taught By Life

In this whole journey of human life, many guider come during this, but a friend is only that guider which shows you the right path, listens to your problems, knows your best interest, keep your desires first and sacrifices theirs, can do anything for you. But, I say that this kind of perfect friend is very difficult to find in this world.
This is the story of four best friends studying in Law School in which this is the girl who is little shy but when she became comfortable with the people, she is the most entertaining person you can ever ask for. Let me first introduce you to her, she is beautiful, bold, independent, traveler, most lovable person, little introvert, gets easily bored from the daily routine and always try to have some adventure in life. She is a giver. Whoever has her company will never get bored, it will be its best day. She doesn’t ask much from people. When she gives her 100%, she asks for at least 20% from her friends. She sees the world, not by own her eyes but putting herself in the perception of others. She always tries to understand people by keeping herself in their position.
Now, I am talking about my roommate who is my best friend. She is of very silent, studious and helpful nature, and when it comes to cracking a joke her sense of humor works best. She is the best roommate I can ever ask for, her helping nature and getting angry but still giving a smile on her face as nothing had happened in her life. In whole, she is really an inspiration for me.
Next is my neighbor in the hostel, I call her so because her room is just beside my room and also my classmate, as we were in the same class. Initially, we were doing CLAT coaching from the same place. But, she was senior to me and I use to call her by saying, ‘Dii’. But, in the hostel when we met during filling our water- bottles from Aquagrard. We both smiled by seeing each other and again there, I referred her as Dii and asked her, ‘How are you’. She replied, ‘Nice’. And then, we both went to our rooms. Further, we met again in the class and on my first day of college we sat on the same bench.
Let me introduce you to her, she is beautiful, a person of good heart but listens to her mind most of the times rather than to her heart. She is energetic, studious, and ambitious but sometimes becomes boring when she says her long family story to us.
Then we have a guy in our group to whom I call him ‘Papaa’, who is caretaker of us but doesn’t take care of himself. He is the most cutest, sensible, focused, dedicated and helpful. He is the one who is a kind of counselor, solves our problem and can make us laugh at any time. He is the one who always takes initiatives to make our law days good and memorable as he always used to book our tickets for trains, makes plans for out, asks for an evening walk, etc.
Being in a law school where every student was busy with project, assignments, moots, and research papers, we were busy building our friendship. After attending a boring lecture we always used to find some time for us where we can chit chat and have no room for misunderstanding.
Life was going very simple and smooth. We also manage to go out and make some wonderful memories together. Sometimes it used to be lunch, movie, traveling, talking for hours by sitting in the stairs of college, etc. With the passage of time, we didn’t know that this bond is becoming stronger day by day. I thanked God for giving me such good friends, who are my only good reason to stay happy in this five year of law school. But, as you know life cannot be this simple as you think. Life has many shades and in order to grow more and more, it teaches you every feeling. I never could think of losing these friends ever. But, who knows that one day this friendship like any other relation will start showing it negative colors, as some misunderstanding started happening in our lives. But, leaving all those negative thoughts in my mind, when I still memorize our friendships good days, always a little smile to my face.
It was a good sunny day, we, as usual, were getting ready for classes. Suddenly, my hometown friends called me. They said that they have come to my place. I was very excited to meet them. We all went to a nearby place, actually, it was around 100 km away from my place. Hahaha… but never mind, I somehow managed to get out of my jail hostel and met my friends. We had so much fun together. I also tried sea food there, and the first time I ate prawns, they were really delicious.
Now, it a
round 5:30 p.m. and suddenly I realized that I had to return to my hostel before 7:30 p.m. We tried for everything but the transport system was not that good there. So, it was like impossible to reach my hostel by 7:30 p.m. Now, tension started, I had to inform my warden that I wouldn’t be able to come back. The way only left to call my father and tell him the whole story. He is the best father who supports and believes their daughters. But, he is also very much conservative and possessed about me. I called him and my brother picked up the call and said that “Papa is busy right now.” I asked my brother that it’s urgent to contact him. After, a few minutes he called me. I picked up the call, but couldn’t speak even a single word. But after a few seconds, I calmed myself and told him the whole story, “Papa! There is one problem. Today I went with my friends to visit a nearby place. But, right now we couldn’t find any means of transport to get back. So, we gonna stay here in one of my friend’s house. I am sorry.”
The story which I stated to him was not correct in total, half was false. But, in order to influence my father, I made a quick story. I got a huge scolding from my father. He talked to my warden and settled the whole problem and asked me to send an email from his email ID to the hostel authority. Further, he also stated that “Do not repeat this and inform me when you reach your hostel.” I wasn’t having an android phone with me, I asked my friends to send the mail.
But, again another problem I couldn’t remember the password of my father’s email id. I asked my sister about the password, but the password she told to me wasn’t correct. It could also happen that may be I have changed it someday. But, the password was saved on my laptop. So, I asked my roommate, my best friend to help me in this miserable situation. She straight away rejected and talked rudely with me. Her statement was that “This is wrong. We were very much worried about you. We thought that you are sick and has gone to hospital. Why you have gone without informing us? ” I further replied her that, “I’ll explain everything once I come back. Please Help me.” I asked her again, but the same answer came. Many thoughts started coming into my mind, “Have I done any sin, and that she is not helping me in such a bad situation.”
I cried and was very upset that some way or other I broke the faith of my father. My friends who were with me tried a lot to make me normal. The more I was upset not because of my father scolding but because of my friends not helping in my bad situation.
It is a correct saying that every person that comes to your life with a reason to teach you something. My friends, which are no more in my friend list have really taught me a lesson that it takes years to form trust. But, it is very easy to break that in a second.
Next day, I reached the hostel by 2:00 p.m., and I remember that day, Ganesh Puja was organized by our batch. I entered the hostel gate. Wardens also do not waste their chance of scolding students. Warden said, “Why didn’t you informed us before going. You should have gone by sending a mail to hostel authority from your father. We were very much worried about you.” I couldn’t speak in return, just said, “I’ll not repeat this again.” When I entered the room, I cried to my fullest. Now I do not want to see their faces. But, after all, she is my roommate and we have to live together. But, she is no more my friend from whom I expect something. And many similar negative thoughts started coming in my mind.
The lines that we always used to hear from our parents and grandparents that friends are god gifts sent to us, who can be for us in our good as well as bad days. But, this is just a saying. Now I got to know that “Those friends who support us in bad days are your friends, rest are just friends by name.” Therefore, it’s my request to everyone to avoid toxic peoples in your life. This girl prioritize her friends and mean every word of friendship. But, doesn’t know the feeling of heartbreak from friends. Now, she has a different perception of life in regard to friends, but she is again alone and struggling to find that one friend that we see in our fairy tales.
They are still my friends, but this was an unforgettable day and taught me a lesson, which I'll remember for the lifetime. I haven't discussed this topic with them and neither they. So, this story was there in my heart which I wanted to share by writing. Presently when I remember those days, it gives me a smile on my face. Now, I had a wonderful story to tell people.