Thank You For Your Friendship
Thank You For Your Friendship

This friendship day, I want to dedicate to one of my friend, Cholukya. And, when I asked the meaning of his name, he silently and politely replied, “There is no meaning to my name.”Well, this person without having any meaning of his name, given a much more meaning to this bond of friendship of ours. I promised to him that I’ll write something about him and will give on his birthday, which is on 30th October. But, his birthday is so far and here is the competition to write about Friendship. And, I know this is much early and I was supposed to gift you this on your birthday. But, no worry dear, I’ll send something different to you on your birthday for sure.
So, as promised to you here is something that I have tried to express you from my perception and thoughts. Here, I have tried my best to know and understand you than you know yourself. You might not be knowing that, I’m little introvert and because of this I’m always little afraid to share my feeling with other people. As, trust which is an important pillar in any relation is difficult for me to build up. And, in return being a good friend you have always opened your doors for me whenever I’m sad or in trouble. Oh! Sorry in this I have to talk about you, and not about me.
So, hello dear! You being still reserved and keeping things to yourselves, I have tried my level best to know your secrets and traits. You are an extremely loyal, faithful, honest, childish, and caring friend. An intense person at times have a mysterious aura, respectful to elders, and you can be quite a successful person as long as you put your mind to it. But, often you get caught up in emotional entanglements and this saps your energy and motivation. I think this is not it, you have many more skills and capabilities than this. Keep growing and achieve your goal as the same you dream for.
Our friendship started in a phase where we both were busy in building and shaping our career and for the same, we were struggling and doing hard-work to achieve it. But, still, we always use to find some time for us, some calls from my side and some messages from yours. I think most of the calls were being made from my side. And, whenever you made an effort from your side, you never left that chance to taunt me back till that topic becomes old or you yourself forgets the same. I
mean how you do this all, “Na jaane kaha se sikha isne ye sab?” Teasing people and making them feel bad is the thing, he knows at its best. I remember it was Friday when we started to talk together. And between Saturday and Sunday, we talked a lot and shared many things about ourselves. Then there, I sensed a good bond of us. When I finally talked to you in the phone as I made a request to hear your voice and there was not a drop of uncomfortableness seen in our talks. I don’t know about your feeling and views, but from my side, our bond was seen just like plain water, where everything is clear and crystal visible. Where we accepted both of us as we are as a person and didn’t try to judge each other. Thank you for always listening to my bullshits and always giving a happy response to it. Always marking me and making me feel as I can do much better. In whole, you have made me know myself better.
Thank you so much for coming into my life and filling it with more happiness and leaving no space for dullness or misunderstanding. I know all the days were not funny and filled with happiness, some days were there where we had serious talks too. I remember, the days when I was worried about my future, you were there to help me and share your own stories as to how you redeemed everything and made it well. Thank you for always there for me whenever I asked for. You are really special, so feel special about you.
The best thing about this friendship is that from my side I never expected anything from you. And because of this, even if you leave me or go away from my life without any reason, I’ll still forgive you and always cherish the memories that we had together. There is also a suggestion to you that whenever you’re feeling frustrated, stuck, or confused, always remember that you hold the key to come out from that situation or drama. All the things that you believe are holding you back are all just in your head. I know that I’m a little small to say this all to you, but please as a friend keep this in your mind. According to my, this friendship is not about just give and give, but it’s about both give and take from both sides. And, stop asking about my stipend.
Lastly, I want to thank god for making this special kind of bond called FRIENDSHIP, which not only makes you a good human being but also gives you true meaning to life.