Rahul G

Thriller Tragedy


Rahul G

Thriller Tragedy

The Rhythym

The Rhythym

6 mins

Rahul, a young boy of 16 is a movie lover. He watches almost all the movies and seldomly missed those which are suggested by his friends. It was 12th of December, he returned home from school. " I am going to watch a short film in the computer ma...", he said and turned on the computer. The title card was prominent, "THE RHYTHM." The first scene of the film, a night scene, and it was pouring heavily. 2 women were on the way to their home in a car. They found a car, a blue one parked near a tree. Suddenly, the thunderstruck and a branch of the tree fell on the car. " Falak, did you see that?", asked Shravya and her voice trembled. Both of them went near to confirm if there was someone inside, tried to rescue the man who seemed to be of age 40. They took him to the nearest hospital in their very own car and admitted him.

As they stood near the doorway, both of them came to see a car passing the hospital, and it was the same blue car ridden by the same man, the one who was admitted by them. In no matter of time the doctor came out of the room and whispered," sorry we couldn't save him.." The scene is now completely puzzled. Falak and Shravya went in search of the car and on their way the same car rushed ahead of them. It was fast moving and in seconds it dashed a tree. With the essence of fear, both of them got outside of their car and looked for the man. But, to their astonishment, there weren't any traces of a man inside. It was around 9pm and they couldn't find any best possible way to find the answer than the CCTV footage.

The hospital wasn't big enough, moreover, it was a new one and it lacked the CCTV facility. Finally to their relief, came to know that a house near the hospital had CCTV facility. Falak and Shravya approached the owner of the house and made him understand their situation. The footage showed the scenes from 8 pm and was good till 8:30 pm. The scenes from 8:30 to 8:45, 15 mins were missing. "Ahh!! The power supply is interrupted right at the moment and we didn't even recognize that.. What else we can do?", yelled Shravya. "Everything around us seems to be like a sequence and if I am right...", paused Falak. And then "something will happen the same way again", she murmured. The house owner is a considerate person voluntarily said that he would help them.

It was late that night and there wasn't any other way than sacrificing their night. The 3 left in the car, waited in the same place and no wonder as guessed, a blue car rushed towards them. But this time the 3 turned the scenario and stopped the car and just in seconds a branch of a tree fell on the ground. A man got outside of the car and said, " I don't know who you are but you have saved my life." As he thanked, he got inside the car. "But I would have been happy if you had saved me earlier" he smiled and in seconds the car dashed a tree and exploded. "Wh..what happened right now!", screamed Shravya. They were without any doubt, clueless and had to bear with the incidents. Following a tiresome night, the two women mad

e their way to home.

The next morning, Falak went through the newspaper, as she usually does. There wasn't any news about the accidents..and what she saw was a small piece of news where it stated: "A MAN FOUND DEATH." As her eyes went down she was completely shocked. It was the image of the house owner, the one who assisted them the last night and it was approved as a suicide. Shravya gazed at Falak and cried," it's all because of us an innocent man is dead now..." The other patted her and hugged her. Falak said to herself with a sense of grief," who knew if it is we two, who are going to end our lives." "Let's forget what had happened and continue with our daily routine, running for our fortune," said Falak.

They left for their work in the car, and there weren't any signs of an accident in the place. As they had their lunch, " Why not we leave earlier than usual?", asked Falak and without any hesitation, Shravya agreed. They left from their work by 7:30pm, 30 mins earlier than usual. Falak was driving the car and as they came across the spot, the same place where they came across the accidents, she stopped the car. Shravya wondered why she stopped the car.. "Let's try to understand what's going on around us", said Falak. It was 10 mins to 8pm and they stood near the same spot. Just in minutes they recognized a car heading towards them and dashed on them. Both of them fell on the ground. The scenes were completely black. Shravya yelled..."Falak, did you felt the same? I am wondering if the things around me are real or feel." "Yes I did..", said Falak.

Now their focus was on the empty road. A blue car was heading towards them and stopped right before them. It was the same man who was admitted to the hospital, the man who dashed his car on the tree. The guy left the car and his eyes were filled with tears. "Why didn't you help me last night?", asked the man. Falak and Shravya looked at each other and asked him,"Who are you and why you have come here?" "There must be someone to end the drama right?", the man replied and his tears changed into a death warning smile. Falak and Shravya rushed to their car and headed towards their home with fear and confusion in their hearts. It started to pour heavily and as they neared their home the thunder struck and a tree fell on their car.

They were hurt so badly and were in need of help. That's when they heard a voice, "You were were right." They searched for the voice and it was the same man giving a dreadful smile.


"Woahh! My name... director name... But what did the man mean when he said that they were right?" "Rahul, the dinner is ready", his mother called him. As he went outside, he asked his mother," you are watching the same serial which you were watching once I returned home?" "I didn't watch that one fully and now it's being telecast again", said his mother.

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