Shreyas Surya Dasgupta



Shreyas Surya Dasgupta


The Pink Shawl

The Pink Shawl

2 mins

"Don't wear this any more. Firstly it's a feminine colour and secondly this is has gone old. This was Ma's and that too some years ago. I have given you a new one." I said.

"I prefer to keep this around me during winters. Your ma bought this from Darjeeling. It was her favourite and it's still so good. Keeps me warm and comfortable" Baba said and then added in a lower tone

"I can smell your Ma in this. I can feel she is with me."

I kept quiet. Didn't know what to say. I had no answer. I just let him wore it till his last day.

I remembered all these when suddenly I found the Pink Shawl in the trunk. I was just going through the old clothes. The pink Shawl was in front of me lying in the trunk ... neatly kept but unwashed si

nce it was last used.

I took it up gently and slowly wrapped it around me. It was not winter but I didn't feel uncomfortable. I could smell Baba. I could feel he is with me. Now I know what he must have felt for Ma at that moment. I closed my moist eyes.

I realised that Pink was not a feminine colour anymore. It wasn’t ever actually. Colours don’t divide genders. Colours full up life with love, warmth and positive vibes. Baba taught me a very important lesson through this pink shawl. I wondered if everyone would understand this.

Come the winter I started using it and kept it wrapped around me. A friend came to meet me one such day ..

“Hey!! What’s wrong with you? This is PINK!!” He almost fall off laughing seeing me.

I just smiled.

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