Vijyaparapu Padma



Vijyaparapu Padma


The Harsh Reality

The Harsh Reality

4 mins

If we rewind three decades into the past, we will notice an awareness about increasing pollution appearing in Environmentalists, Scientists, Social Activists, and the like. Big budget symposiums and conclaves were conducted and protocols prepared to no avail. People all over the earth were made cognizant about the peaking pollution levels in all spheres of the globe. As a result, huge climatic changes would take place, and diseases spread we were warned. Plans were chalked out by various organizations to curb pollution. However, the modernization race for progress and technology took an upper hand. In our blind battle for development which was in leaps and bounds, we became oblivious to the damage that we were doing to our ecosystem. Little implementation was done of the plans made by our policymakers regarding the saving of our planet. Hence the results too were not overwhelming. Unseasonal weather conditions showed up but we were still unmindful of the warning bells which rang to awaken us to a threat of our very existence.

The COVID 19 struck like a bolt from the blue. An unprecedented pandemic which will be ever remembered in the annals of human history. It has grappled most of the countries and the increasing death numbers signify hell has been let loose on the earth.


On the brighter side, we have observed calmly prevailing on the otherwise busy cities and towns. There is tranquility in the air, on the sea, and on the roads and traffic has almost come to a standstill everywhere. People are staying indoors and spending time with their families. With the culture of "work from home" work in many sectors hasn't been hampered. Necessary services and goods are available therefore life is moving rather smoothly for most. Through this, we can apprehend that life and some of its allied activities can go on while staying indoors too. So, the extraneous traffic created outside our homes could have been avoided all these years. Entertainment and socializing are of course necessary but not at the cost of depleting our planet and its resources, right? Since the lockdown, we have learned to accommodate and live with things not highly essential. How wonderful it would have been having we adopted this policy a few decades ago. We learn from sources that the existing pollution is providing a fillip for the virus to quickly spread its tentacles. A few years ago we witnessed the resurgence of certain respiratory problems but we did not pay heed to them. We overlooked the fact that it is better to prepare and prevent, rather than repair and repent. I think it is a human tendency that until and unless we reach the tip of the iceberg, we don't open our eyes. 


Our mad rush for material pleasures has landed us in such a soup, we are unable to find a way out. Administrators, scientists, policymakers and others are racking their brains to find solutions and ease matters. This pandemic is resulting in a catastrophe. Health, economy, business, everything is getting topsy turvy. 


What's within us is stronger than what's in our way. Like all other storms, this may end too. We will definitely see light at the end of the tunnel because hope is the only thing stronger than fear. This is a reality that the coronavirus serves like a whip on our backs. It has taught us a huge lesson. We are well aware of the dos and don'ts. After the lockdown is lifted, we alone can save ourselves and our planet from doom. Faith is the source of limitless hope and vitality. With a strong inner resolve and positive outlook, we can transform any environment into the most magnificent treasure land.


This image sends across a strong message that had we taken care of our planet a few years ago we could have avoided wearing masks. Secondly, COVID 19 has shut our mouths by telling us it is not enough if we spend big and talk big about climate change, saving the planet, and other relevant issues. Our actions must be mightier than our words.

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