The Gift

The Gift

2 mins

Sun was pretty high. It was that time of summer where even a whiff of cool air seems blissful. The streets were almost deserted, only few people can be seen here and there. People didn't dare to step out in the scorching heat. But there he was, weaving his way to the third interview of that day. He was in his late thirties and desperately in need of a job. After he lost his previous job, he was struggling to meet both the ends. He had given multiple interviews but he never heard back from any of them. He blamed all of it on his lack of education and zero knowledge of computer. He didn't want the same future for his ten year old son. He wanted to make sure that his son have proper education and all the basic facilities. After the last forlorn attempt at interviews, he went back home. As soon as he entered his house, he was bombarded with the 'Happy Birthday' wishes from his family. He was so busy with interviews that he even forgot his own birthday. "Dad I bought a present for you. Look." A ten year old boy was jumping up and down with excitement. He immediately ripped the gift wrapper and found a pen inside a box. "Dad when you get a job, use this pen to do all the work. I know you'll soon find it." He was stunned at her son's thoughtfulness. All the tiredness of the day completely vanished. He hugged his son and thanked him for the gift. That day his son not only gave him a pen but also gave him hope which he had lost somewhere between the interviews. After two days he got a call from a company saying he was selected for the job. He couldn't express the amount of relief he felt that day. He immediately rushed to that company. "Here fill this up and sign it. You can start from tomorrow." His boss told him and handed him a pen to sign the papers. "That's fine. I have a pen." He fished out his son's pen from his pocket. He stared at the pen for few seconds and smiled. As he signed the papers, a tear of happiness rolled down from his eye. That day not only a father succeeded but in a way his son did too.

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