Sam Hern

Drama Fantasy


Sam Hern

Drama Fantasy

The Dream Is Always The Same

The Dream Is Always The Same

2 mins

It starts in the twilight hour, a reddish dark blue sky surrounds the scenery above me. In the near quiet darkness the small white, sometimes colored dots begin to appear. As I begin to look up, the objects begin to form brighter and larger against the darkening sky. That is when the saucer shapes appear with precise and exact detail. Instant fear and dread fill up inside me as I am reminded of what happens next.

I am never alone when this is happening, there are always at least three to sometimes a dozen people witnessing the same event in the sky that I am seeing. The objects begin to hover closer and closer and the saucers become very clear in their shape and form. That is when the panic starts and my feet become blocks of solid cement and I can barely move as I want to run away with fear. The people around me are also trying to scatter to run and hide.

Suddenly, one by one they are being pulled up to the sky by some invisible vacuum as they scream in sheer terror. I start to feel even more scared as this plays out and I attempt to move even faster seeking shelter from the horrible event that I am witnessing. As I attempt to move farther away I can feel the gravity of the ship trying to pull me up. I try to find something, anything to grab onto to stay grounded. That is when the ships drop closer and closer following me at a very near distance as the remainder of the people that were around me are almost all gathered up by the spacecraft.

I always somehow manage to get away by the skin of my teeth at the very last second. That is when I wake up in a panic shaking, reminding myself that it was just the dream again. I am 55 years old now and have been having this same recurring dream for the past 35 years. I am a believer that there may be other life forms out there, but I do not think that my beliefs contribute to this dream.

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